Filing a roofing insurance claim is not an easy chore and property owners sometimes don’t have a complete understanding of how everything works.
First step is finding out what your insurance policy covers and if you don’t know, contact your insurer. Insurance claims take into consideration the age of your roof. You may be covered for all the damage if your roof is less than 10 years old. Older roofs may be reimbursed at a depreciated value of the damaged roof.
Will insurance pay for a new roof? Down Under Roofing will help you with the paperwork to make sure that all the damage is accounted for to get optimum compensation. Insurance companies can easily adjust the amount of the final payment by providing a supplement to cover additional code required upgrades and additional unforeseen work. The team at Down Under Roofing is trained to help identify these potential items during the initial evaluation with your insurance claims adjuster. Which is why we always recommend calling a roofer at the first signs of storm damage. This will guarantee that job is completed to your satisfaction.
Will my rates increase by filing a roofing insurance claim? Unlike auto insurance, homeowners insurance doesn’t penalize you for turning in a roofing claim. If you experience an increase in rates it is typically based on your geographical location, such as an area that has sustained immense storm damage. So, it's often a detriment to a homeowner who doesn't file a claim when they have storm damage.
If you experience high winds heavy rains, hail or a storm that may have damaged your roof, it is advisable to have a professional roofer like Down Under Roofing inspect its condition. Don’t rely on your insurance adjuster as they work for the insurance company and may miss some of the damage.
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